Infinite7 is a branch from Jerry Martian Studios. We created this brand to encapsulate our mindset of what we believe life is about. We are all meant to pursue our dreams, It is the cherry on top of our purpose in life. But truth is this journey is never easy, many will fail and give up. They give in to their fears and never get back up to try again. Which is never the way to success, we have to understand that this path is made up of a series of small quiet actions and obstacles to overcome.
Success is about no days off, constant work and effort. Luck never plays a role in this equation because luck doesn't exist, luck is merely the moment when opportunity meets preparation. So it makes sense to say success favors the hard working individuals who wake up every morning with the mindset to kick that day's ass! The ones who constantly grind for what they want, always staying prepared for those moments of opportunity.
So question is, are you forever lucky?